Transcripciones y Traducciones

Esta es una colección de Estudios ofrecidos por el Señor Richard Causton que encontramos en Youtube y consideramos una joya preciosa para los practicantes y personas que desean conocer o profundizar más acerca de las enseñanzas de Nichiren Daishonin. En este lugar se ofrecen transcripciones de sus conferencias en inglés y se traducen al español para extender mucho más su esfuerzo en transmitir, de la manera más clara y sincera posible, la esencia de las enseñanzas del Budismo de Nichiren Daishonin.  Esperamos que los disfruten tanto como los disfrutamos nosotros al llevar a cabo esta maravillosa tarea.

Transcriptions and Translations

This is a colection of Lectures offered by Mr Richard Causton on Youtube, which we have found and thought it would be a treassure for those who practice the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, and want to get deeper into it, as well as for those who might be curious aobut it, and would like to understand a little bit more about it´s concepts and symbols, as about the practice itself as well.  In this site we offer transcriptions of some of his lectures in english, and we also translate them into spanish on an atempt to extend his effort to transmit the essence of the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin´s Buddhism in the most clear and sincere way.  We hope you enjoy this texts as much as we have enjoyed working on making this extraordinary effort possible here.



Introductory Lectures

Rissho Ankoku Ron


RICHARD CAUSTON (1920-1995). SGI-UK First General Director for 20 years from 1975 to 1995 and Vice-President of SGI Europe. Soka Gakkai Insternational (SGI) is based on the Buddhist teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. We chant NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO.


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Nam Myoho Rengue Kyo
Irene Gil-Rizo


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